Any person living abroad can attest to the fact that looking for a job abroad is challenging, and it’s no different for those who are looking for part time student jobs. For any student, finding the time to work between classes, studying, and extracurricular activities is an epic feat requiring the best time management skills. When you add a foreign language and a new culture to the mix, then working while studying abroad can seem nearly impossible!
Despite the challenges, working part time in college can generate extra income that can be used for weekend excursions, fun cultural activities, and exotic dining experiences. Getting part time student jobs is also a great way to meet locals and gain a deeper understanding of your host country’s culture.
For those of you looking to work while studying abroad or need advice on how to get a job as a college student, our student writer Suci wants to share the four tips that helped her land not one; but two part-time jobs while studying her master’s degree in Sweden! Below are her tips she hopes could show you how to find a part time job abroad and balance working and studying abroad.
When you’re looking for part time student jobs abroad, keep an open mind! Since these jobs are all about financing your weekend trips and other living expenses, try to worry less about how it will look on your resume and focus on how flexible it is. You want a part time student job that works with your class schedule, not against it.
I looked for all types of student jobs, including housekeeper, babysitter, kitchen worker, office assistant, and more! Try finding a part time student job you can commute to easily from your university or your neighborhood. Is there a nearby cafe hiring part-time baristas? A local family in need of a lunchtime dog walker?
Taking advantage of your diverse educational background, studying abroad assistance jobs could also be a great choice for you. Positions like these include international student ambassador and study abroad program assistant. Being creative and being flexible to as many opportunities as possible is necessary when you are looking for a job abroad. After all, studying abroad is all about new experiences!
While you can search and apply online for part time student jobs, many vacancies are filled informally by just walking in and handing the manager your resume. That’s why it’s important to always carry printed copies of your resume when out and about so you can easily apply if you find an establishment that looks interesting to you.
When I was searching for part time student jobs in Sweden, I prepared two resumes: One in Swedish, and two in English (one for corporate and one for clerical work). Sending English resumes to companies hiring online is helpful when looking for a job abroad or getting an international job. When I rode my bike or walked around the city center, I brought the other two versions of my resume to hand out in shops and restaurants. With this method, I was called in for many interviews and hired for two different clerical positions.
When trying to find part time student jobs abroad, first impressions are everything! If you hand in your resume in person, give the manager a warm smile and friendly greeting that they’ll remember when looking over your resume.
If they like your resume and call you in for an interview, make an effort to dress nicely and appropriately for the student job you are applying for. Wear neat and tidy clothes that show you’re professional and serious about this potential job opportunity.
If the interview will be conducted in your host country’s native language and you’re not already fluent, practice the language at home, focusing on words or phrases you might need for the interview. Even if you are confident in your language skills, practicing at home will make you seem more calm, cool, and collected when you sit down for your interview.
While some people could get lucky by applying for some part time student jobs and get it right away, others might need weeks or months to get one. If you belong to the second category, worry not! Keep focusing on your studies, and use your spare time to look for jobs. Tell your friends, or the people you know that might have some information regarding part-time student jobs, or some useful tips on how to get a job. Strengthen your connections and keep on applying! Your time will come.
When you successfully find a part-time job, discover the tips to help you balance your work and study here. By managing your time effectively between working and studying abroad, you will succeed both in the classroom and the workplace.
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