Have you been wanting to ask: How do you study abroad, and where do you even start? Well, studying abroad is truly life-changing, and you should do it if you can. But first things first about your path to study overseas– a lot of planning needs to go into a study abroad application. When should you study abroad? Can you afford it? Which country should you even choose, and how do you apply? Read on to learn how to study abroad.
Use our country guides to get the information you need.
Don’t get discouraged by all the study abroad myths out there. The journey from first considering a program to actually stepping foot on campus may appear to be full of hurdles, but good planning and a positive mindset can go a long way. To make the answer to ‘How does studying abroad work?’ quite short, the biggest decisions you’ll have to make are when study you study overseas is when you’ll go and how to pay for it. It may also be a challenge to convince your parents to let you study abroad. Before we get into the details of how to study abroad, let’s make sure it works with your life first.
If you’re ready to go abroad for a master’s degree or a PhD, this may be an easy decision. Studying for a bachelor’s degree abroad also offers a perfect opportunity. However, you don’t have to apply for an entire degree abroad to study overseas. It is entirely possible to study overseas for a semester or two through your home university. If you go for this option, you’ll just have to figure out where studying abroad fits in your academic schedule and course requirements, as well as in your life and work-related commitments.
Depending on your university or major, you may have little choice. Not all schools allow first-year students to go abroad. The third or fourth year of your bachelor’s degree is generally a common time to go abroad for those looking at short-term programs. Be sure to check with your university’s study abroad office or your academic advisor who can provide information on what’s most typical and convenient for you.
You absolutely can study medicine or engineering abroad. There is a common misconception out there that for students majoring in pre-med or other STEM fields that studying abroad won’t work with their very structured academic requirements. This is untrue! While you may have to plan ahead if you have a lot of academic requirements, it’s definitely possible to study overseas and will likely make you an even stronger med-school candidate due to the development of valuable soft skills.
Contact your school’s office of pre-professional advising the second you know you want to study abroad. They’ll be able to work with your schedule to see how you can fit it in. While you might not be able to do a full year abroad, you can usually still fit in a semester, or at the very least, a summer program.
There’s no way to sugarcoat it – studying abroad can be expensive. If you’re looking at young students living abroad and wishing you could ask, ‘How do you study abroad?’, you’re not alone. Cost can be a huge deterrent to those who want to study abroad, but you have options! You can look for student jobs abroad, search for scholarships, and find other creative ways to save money.
How much it costs will depend on the country you go to and of course, how long you stay. Beyond program fees, you’ll also have to consider airfare, transportation, accommodation, and the general cost of living during your study overseas. You can use our country guides to find information about budgeting for costs in specific countries. Expect adding a good amount of spending money to that total as well for things like weekend trips or nights out!
However, there’s good news! You have many options, especially if you’re looking to study abroad at the bachelor’s level. For example, if you are currently receiving financial aid to go to college, that financial aid will still go toward your study abroad program. You could also take out a student loan or accumulate some scholarship money. If you can’t afford to study abroad for a full year, a summer program would still get you that life-changing experience for a fraction of the cost.
Your family might be hesitant to let you study abroad. Put yourself in their shoes – they’re probably just nervous, especially if they’ve always lived nearby or if you’ve never been out of the country before. But if you build your case, you can ease their fears and convince them.
First, be prepared. They’re going to have a lot of questions and you’ll need to have answers. Make sure you know how you’re going to potentially pay for it. Outline the many benefits of studying abroad, and ensure them that you’ll communicate with them often when you’re away. If you approach the conversation with empathy, you’re sure to have a good chance of convincing even the most protective parents out there.
Once you know roughly when you’ll go and how you’ll pay for it (as well as getting the green light from your parents if you need it), the fun stuff begins. The next step is deciding where you should go!
Maybe you already know exactly what country or continent you want to study in, or even which university. Or, maybe you’re truly open to studying abroad in different countries, but you also want to go to a top biology program since you’re pre-med.
If you want to know how to study abroad in short-term programs, first find out if your home university partners with universities abroad. If so, this may be the easiest route for you when it comes to transferring credits. Many schools have partnerships with a variety of universities all over the world, so ask your study abroad office.
If you’ve been wanting to ask ‘How do you study abroad?’, expect that the answer might be very different depending on your destination. Find some inspiration by scrolling through the Top 10 Places in the World to Study Abroad in 2022, or head over to the Top 10 Countries in Europe and Asia for even more possibilities. These rankings were created using student preferences from our annual student survey along with data from external sources to create a list of ideal study abroad locations
If you’re an English literature major, it might not make any sense to study in China. But if you’re studying world literature, studying in China might actually be an awesome idea. Certain countries are known for different subjects of study, and while there will likely be excellent programs in many countries, this list can be a good starting point if you’re at the beginning of your search. Consider the following ideas:
Looking to launch your business career? These major cities are international business hubs: London, New York City, Hong Kong, Toronto, Sydney, and Tokyo.
If you’re a bookworm, you’ll want to know that the world’s most famous literary hubs include the cities of Santiago, Oxford, Paris, Saint Petersburg, Dublin, and Edinburgh.
Where is the best healthcare in the world, and where does the world need healthcare the most? Try Denmark, South Africa, Ghana, Thailand, or India.
Political hotspots in Europe include the EU Headquarters in Brussels and the Red Cross in Geneva. Find the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City.
Ready to think outside the box? Head to a global innovation hub like Singapore, San Francisco, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Stockholm, or Lisbon.
Try a city with a rich cultural history of visual arts and tons of museums, like Florence, Paris, Barcelona, Beijing, or Chicago.
You’ll find vibrant theater and music hubs in many cities around the world. Some of the most famous are Nashville, London, Johannesburg, Buenos Aires, and Berlin.
Whether you’re interested in archeology or just history in general, you can’t beat places like Athens, Jerusalem, Cusco, Istanbul, or Moscow.
If you want to experience the world’s best educational systems, go to Finland, the Netherlands, or Japan. If you’re an aspiring English teacher, look to Vietnam or Colombia.
You’re more than just a student! So think of your interests outside of the classroom. Do you want to spend time studying at the beach? Or maybe you want to go camping on weekends? Consider the following ideas:
Consider countries like Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Norway, or Tanzania.
Consider countries like Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Norway, or Tanzania.Consider cities like Tokyo, Casablanca, Rio de Janeiro, Dubai, and Hong Kong
Consider iconic fashion centers like London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, and New York.
Consider the cities with some of the best café cultures in the world, like Stockholm, Melbourne, Rome, Singapore, or Vienna.
When learning how to study abroad, your budget should play a main role in decision-making. Countries with a higher cost of living are primarily located in Western Europe and Northern Europe. More budget-friendly countries are found in South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. If keeping a strict budget is important for you, you may want to consider cities with a lower cost of living. Keep in mind that you will be able to find more affordable places to study outside of bigger cities, especially in the more expensive countries. You can find more specific living costs and budgeting information using the country guides below.
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If you already know the country you want to study in, now you have to decide on schools. When you’re choosing universities, you should consider many things, including the following:
If you want to do an entire bachelor’s degree in biology in England and then go back home to the USA for medical school, you’ll want to be very careful that you’re meeting certain requirements so that you can apply to American medical schools. Do your research beforehand! If you make the right decision, studying abroad can help boost your career.
This is for those who are studying abroad going for a semester or year and not for the entire degree. Some schools might be quite strict about what study abroad credits they will count towards your degree, particularly when it comes to major requirements. Be certain that your school will allow that biology class you take abroad to be counted as your required biology class for your public health major! Make sure you document the school’s approval in writing beforehand.
Once you’ve decided on a general location, now it’s time to get serious about making a list of potential universities. The resources listed below can help you narrow down your final list of schools to apply to.
While Google can be a good starting point, use a specialized education resource like educations.com to help you explore and compare programs, directly message universities, and talk with current students. You can filter programs by country, city, school type, and subject category – making your study abroad journey as smooth as possible.
If you’re more focused on finding the right school rather than country, it may also be a good idea to check out ranking sites like THE, QS, and US News, which compile annual rankings of top schools around the world. However, don’t trust these numbers completely. These sites rank older, well-established, large research universities more highly due to their ranking criteria, so just because a school isn’t at the top doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an amazing program that’s uniquely suited to you and your interests.
Are you still wondering: How does studying abroad work? Well, now it’s time to start the application process. If you have a list of schools in mind, we promise that it’s not as complicated as it might look! If you’ve applied to a university at home before, the process will likely look quite similar. Read on for exactly what goes into a study abroad application.
Before you do anything else, get organized. We recommend starting with a spreadsheet to help you keep track of deadlines. You may also want to keep checklists of requirements for each school. You should come back to this spreadsheet again and again throughout the process to update it. If a spreadsheet isn’t your style, you should try making a checklist or some sort of master document that you can return to.
Ready to apply? While the application process will vary depending on the type and level of school you’re applying to, here are the basic requirements that might be a part of your application.
Most programs want to see how you did at your last school, be it your undergraduate university or even your high school. Some schools have specific minimum GPA requirements that will have to meet in order to be eligible. Contact your current school as soon as possible to have them send your transcript to the school you’re applying to. Depending on the grading system of the country, you may need to convert your grades or even get your transcript translated into another language.
Many international programs are taught entirely in English. If English isn’t your first language, you’ll need to take a test to prove your English abilities to schools. Many schools accept the TOEFL iBT test as proof of your proficiency, including all universities in popular study abroad destinations like the UK, Canada, Australia, and the US. You can check if you’re ready to take the TOEFL iBT test here.
Depending on your chosen country, the schools you’re applying to might also require more general standardized tests. For example, many American universities require the SAT or the ACT for undergraduate students. If you’re applying to an American graduate school, you may need to take the GRE.
Some schools will require you write a personal statement, also sometimes called a study abroad essay. A personal statement explains to the school why you’re a great fit for the program. It’s a chance to show your personality, your priorities as a student, and how the school will help you reach your dreams. Motivation letters vary in length, but expect around 500 words as an average.
Some schools will ask for one or two academic references (your teachers) to submit with your application. Often they’ll ask that the teachers submit references directly to the university. Sometimes you will be asked to send them in yourself.
Choose teachers who really know you and ones with who you have a good relationship. These might be teachers you’ve had recently or have now. When you ask them for an academic reference, you might want to provide them with your CV and a list of the schools you’re applying to so they can customize their references. Give them at least a month’s notice to prepare the reference for you and be prepared to send them reminders.
Interviews are not very common, but you might be asked to do an interview over the phone or on video chat. Interviews might sound scary, but they’re a great way to show your personality. They are also a good chance for you to ask questions and decide if the school is right for you – interviews are a two-way street!
You should come prepared with questions of your own as well. Do research first and don’t ask questions that you could easily find on their website. Taking the time to do thoughtful research will show your interviewer that you’re serious about their program and about studying abroad. It may help to do a practice interview with a friend or family member before the real interview.
If you go into a study abroad interview prepared, you’ll be sure to leave a good impression. Don’t forget to send a follow-up thank-you message by email after the interview!
Most programs won’t require this, but if you’re applying to a program that is writing-heavy or arts-focused, you may be asked to submit a sample of your work. For a literature program, this could include a research paper. For an animation course, this might be a portfolio of your best work.
Studying abroad can be expensive, but scholarships can be one way to majorly offset the cost. There are many places to look for scholarships, and scholarships will vary – they could provide several hundred dollars toward tuition or could even cover an entire program. However, don’t overlook the smaller scholarships! Any amount can go a long way in making studying abroad possible for you. Unsure where to start? Let us be your guide!
We’ve curated a list of 440+ international scholarships across 37 countries. We’ve already done the work of researching and organizing scholarship award amounts, eligibility requirements, and deadlines for you. So, know that these scholarships are legitimate and actually worth applying to. Some of these scholarships are associated with universities, but others are open to students looking to study anywhere in a country.
Some countries will help fund students who are looking to study there. For example, the Swedish Institute provides scholarships to international students who want to study in Sweden. It’s certainly worth a quick Google search to find what other countries have government-funded scholarships.
If you want to know how to study abroad in a country that’s not included in our scholarship guide, you should look to see if specific schools in that country offer scholarships for student applicants. Most universities will have a page dedicated to scholarship information. If you are looking at a short-term program, you may also want to investigate if your current university offers students scholarships to study abroad at other universities.
If you’re an American student who is on financial aid at your home university, you will likely be able to get financial aid to study abroad. If you’ve taken out a federal loan, check out this list of countries that accept FAFSA. If your school has given you a private grant, you likely will be able to extend that to your study abroad studies. Be sure to check with your school’s financial aid office if you have any specific questions
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.You did it! Once you get into a school abroad, the real fun begins. But perhaps you’ve been accepted by more than one school. Now you’ll have to decide which school to choose.
If you weren’t accepted by any of the schools you applied to, you might feel very disappointed. However, keep in mind that many programs are extremely competitive. Just because a school didn’t think you were the right fit now doesn’t mean they never will. The good thing is that now you know all the answers to the question: How does studying abroad work? Don’t give up, consider a wider variety of schools, and apply again next year!
There are so many reasons why study abroad programs are life-changing experiences for many international students. Learn more about how studying abroad can help build your future.
Wondering about what you can study abroad? This section of the How to Study Abroad Guide will talk about the different kinds of degrees and programs you can study overseas.
Now that you have chosen a program and received your acceptance, where do you go from there? Discover more about housing, budgeting, and packing for your study overseas in this section of the guide.
Do you have your ticket abroad but need to know what to do on arrival? Learn how to navigate your first few days in a new country and also what to expect as you are adjusting to a new culture and society.
So, you have had an incredible adventure and are looking at your options after your time is up? We have some ideas for you. Find out more about how to put study abroad on your resume, and what to do if you want to stay in your study abroad country.
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Have you been curious about studying in another country but not sure how or where to begin? In any case, if you have the opportunity to study abroad, you should seize it. But first, some housekeeping on your way to study abroad: the application process requires extensive preparation.
How long should you spend studying in another country? Can you manage the cost? How do you apply, and which country should you even choose? Learn more about studying abroad by reading on!
Use our country guides to get the information you need.
Don’t let the many misconceptions about studying abroad deter you. Good preparation and an optimistic outlook help smooth over many of the bumps that may appear along the path from program consideration to first day of class. The two most important things to consider when deciding how to go about studying abroad are when you’ll go and how you’ll pay for it. Getting your parents on board with your plan to study abroad may also prove difficult. Make sure it fits into your schedule before we dive into the specifics of studying abroad.
This may be a simple choice if you are prepared to pursue graduate study in another country. One such chance is to earn a bachelor’s degree in a foreign country. It’s true that many students study abroad as part of a four-year degree program, but it’s not required. Taking a semester or two to study at a foreign institution through your own university is totally feasible. If you choose this path, you’ll need to think out how your time spent studying abroad will interact with the rest of your life and professional obligations.
You may not have much of a say in the matter, depending on your college or major. First-year students may not be permitted to study abroad at all institutions. Short-term study abroad programs are most frequent during the third or fourth year of a bachelor’s degree. If you want to know what is usual and easy, go to your academic advisor or the study abroad office at your university.
You can study engineering or medicine at an international university. There is a widespread belief that studying abroad is not an option for students majoring in pre-medicine or other STEM areas due to the high degree of rigidity inherent in these programs. That’s not the case! It is possible to study abroad, though you may need to make advance preparations if you have a heavy course load. However, the development of these important soft skills will make you an even more competitive applicant to medical school.
As soon as you decide to study abroad, get in touch with your school’s office of pre-professional advising. They can accommodate your timetable to make it work. Even if you can’t take a full academic year to study abroad, you should be able to squeeze in at least a semester or summer program.
The truth is that there is no easy way to put it: studying abroad may be costly. To anyone who has ever wished they could ask a young person living abroad, “How do you study abroad?”: you are not alone. Those who desire to study abroad but are put off by the high cost have options. Find student jobs abroad, apply for scholarships, and think outside the box to reduce your educational funding needs.
The total expense will be determined by the location of your trip and the length of time you plan to spend there. Your total cost of studying abroad will include not only the tuition for your chosen program, but also airfare, public transportation, housing, and food. We have included budgeting guidance for various nations in our country guides. Budget significantly more if you plan on going out for the night or on a weekend trip.
On the plus side, though! If you wish to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a foreign country, you can do so at a wide variety of institutions. If you are already receiving funds to help cover the cost of higher education, those funds can be applied to your study abroad experience. Or, you could save up for a student loan or win a scholarship. If you can’t afford a full year of study abroad, a summer program will give you the same amazing opportunity at a much more manageable price.
They may have reservations about you attending school in a foreign country. Consider their position; they are likely just anxious, especially if they have always lived close by or if you have never traveled internationally before. However, if you argue persuasively, you can calm their nerves and win them over.
Get ready ahead of time. They will ask many questions, and you should be prepared. Think about possible funding sources before proceeding. Tell them why you think it’s a good idea to study abroad and assure them that you’ll keep in regular touch. You’ll have a much better chance of persuading even the most overprotective parents if you approach the conversation from their perspective.
It’s time to start having fun once you’ve figured out when you’ll go and how you’ll pay for it (and gotten permission from your parents, if necessary). The next thing to do is make a decision about where to travel.
Perhaps you have a clear idea of where on the globe or at which university you want to further your education. Or maybe you’re pre-med and open to the idea of studying overseas, but you’re set on attending a top-tier biology program.
Finding out if your own university has partnerships with universities overseas is the first step in figuring out how to study abroad on a short-term basis. If that’s the case, this could be the simplest way to transfer your credits. If you want to know which institutions around the world your school has partnered with, you should check with the study abroad office.
The answer to the question “How do you study abroad?” can vary greatly depending on where you go. Browse the Top 10 Study Abroad Destinations in 2022 for some ideas, then check out the Top 10 Study Abroad Destinations in Europe and the Top 10 Study Abroad Destinations in Asia for even more options. Our yearly student survey responses, in addition to data from other credible sources, were used to compile these rankings of the best countries in which to study abroad.
It may not make sense to study in China if you intend to major in English literature. Studying in China, though, could be a fantastic option if you’re interested in international literature. While there are undoubtedly excellent programs in many countries, this list can serve as a good jumping-off point if you’re just getting started in your search because different countries are known for different subjects. Think about these suggestions:
Want to get started in the business world? The economies of London, New York City, Hong Kong, Toronto, Sydney, and Tokyo are all extremely important to the global economy.
If you’re a reader, you should know that Santiago, Oxford, Paris, Saint Petersburg, Dublin, and Edinburgh are among of the world’s most well-known centers of literature.
Where can people get the best care, and where does the globe most desperately need care? You might also try Thailand, India, Ghana, Denmark, or South Africa.
The European Union’s headquarters are located in Brussels, and the International Red Cross is based out of Geneva. Discover New York’s United Nations Building.
Is it time to try some radical new ideas? Visit one of the world’s leading innovation hotspots, such as Singapore, San Francisco, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Stockholm, or Lisbon.
Florence, Paris, Barcelona, Beijing, or Chicago are just some examples of cities having a rich cultural history of visual arts and several museums to explore.
Many cities all over the globe serve as thriving centers for the performing arts. Nashville, London, Johannesburg, Buenos Aires, and Berlin are among the most well-known.
Athens, Jerusalem, Cusco, Istanbul, and Moscow are unparalleled destinations for any history buff, whether they are specifically interested in archeology or not.
Visit Finland, the Netherlands, or Japan to see some of the world’s top schools in action. Consider Vietnam or Colombia if you want to become an English instructor.
The label “student” doesn’t fit you! So, consider some of your extracurricular pursuits. Do you fancy a study session on the beach? Maybe you’re interested in weekend camping trips. Think about these suggestions:
Consider countries like Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Norway, or Tanzania.
Consider countries like Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Norway, or Tanzania.Consider cities like Tokyo, Casablanca, Rio de Janeiro, Dubai, and Hong Kong
Consider iconic fashion centers like London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, and New York.
Consider the cities with some of the best café cultures in the world, like Stockholm, Melbourne, Rome, Singapore, or Vienna.
When planning how to study abroad, financial considerations should play a pivotal role. Western and northern European countries tend to have the highest average living costs. South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe are regions with more wallet-friendly countries. Consider moving to a city with a lower cost of living if you value fiscal discipline. Don’t forget that even in high-priced countries, there are often cheaper study options outside of major cities. The nation guides below might help you uncover more particular budgeting and living cost information for that country.
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If you already know the country you want to study in, now you have to decide on schools. When you’re choosing universities, you should consider many things, including the following:
If you want to earn your bachelor’s degree in biology in the UK and then transfer to a medical school in the US, you’ll need to pay close attention to the admissions criteria of both institutions. Get a head start on your homework! Studying in another country might be an excellent way to advance your professional prospects.
This applies to students who will be spending a single academic year or semester abroad rather than a full academic program. Some schools might be quite strict about what study abroad credits they will count towards your degree, particularly when it comes to major requirements. If you plan to major in public health and want to take a biology course overseas, make sure your school will accept it as fulfillment of that requirement. Get the school’s permission in writing before beginning.
After settling on a broad region, you can begin seriously compiling a list of prospective colleges. Use the following tools to whittle down your potential college choices.
Use education websites, a dedicated education portal, to research and compare programs, contact colleges directly, and network with existing students and alumni. To make your study abroad experience as stress-free as possible, you can narrow down your options by selecting a specific nation, city, school type, and subject area.
Educations website is a one-stop shop for finding and comparing schools, making direct contact with faculty, and connecting with current and former students and faculty. To make your time abroad more manageable, you can zero in on a specific country, city, school type, and area of study.
Do you still have questions about how to organize a study abroad experience? The time has come to begin making application. It’s not as difficult as it seems if you already have a list of colleges in mind. Applying to a university abroad will probably appear very similar to applying to one at home. Find out in detail below what should be included in your application to study abroad.
First, you need to get yourself in order before moving on. We recommend using a spreadsheet as a starting point. Make sure you have all the documents you need to enroll in each school and keep a running checklist. As you move further in the process, you should return here to make necessary changes to the spreadsheet. If you’d rather not use a spreadsheet, you can create a master document or a checklist to refer back to as needed.
Ready to apply? While the application process will vary depending on the type and level of school you’re applying to, here are the basic requirements that might be a part of your application.
Most programs want to see how you did at your last school, be it your undergraduate university or even your high school. Some schools have specific minimum GPA requirements that will have to meet in order to be eligible. Contact your current school as soon as possible to have them send your transcript to the school you’re applying to. Depending on the grading system of the country, you may need to convert your grades or even get your transcript translated into another language.
The English language is used for instruction in many international programs. Schools may require you to take an English proficiency exam if English is not your first language. All universities in well-liked study abroad destinations like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the United States accept the TOEFL iBT as proof of proficiency in English. You can use this page to see if you’re prepared to take the TOEFL iBT exam.
The colleges you apply to in your country of choice may additionally demand additional standardized tests. Undergraduates at several American colleges and universities, for instance, are expected to submit SAT or ACT scores. If you’re applying to an American graduate school, you may need to take the GRE.
A personal statement, often known as a study abroad essay, may be required by certain institutions.Applicants can show schools why they would be a good addition to the program by writing personal statements. It’s a chance to demonstrate who you are as a student, what you value most, and how this institution can help you achieve your goals.Usually of a motivational letter is 500 words.
Some applications need you to list one or two academic references, typically teachers. In many cases, universities prefer to have recommendations sent directly from lecturers. You may need to mail them in personally on occasion.
Pick instructors with whom you click and who get to know you well. You may be thinking of current or former educators here. Provide your academic reference with a copy of your resume and a list of the schools you’re applying to so they may tailor their recommendation letter to each institution. Send a friendly reminder their way a month before you need the reference, and give them plenty of time to have it ready.
Infrequently, you may be requested to participate in an interview through phone or video chat. The interview process can be nerve-wracking, but it’s actually a terrific opportunity to sell yourself. Interviews are a two-way street, so don’t feel that you have to only listen to the school’s side.
You should also bring your own questions to ask. Get your facts straight before contacting them with questions that are answered on their website. Showing your interviewer that you’re invested in the program and in studying abroad in general by taking the time to undertake thorough research will help you land the position. Before going into the actual interview, it can beneficial to run through some questions with a trusted friend or family member.
Make a good impression at your study abroad interview by preparing thoroughly. After the interview, be sure to send a thank-you note via email. However, if you are applying to a program that places a heavy emphasis on writing or the arts, you may be asked to submit a sample of your work. A research report is one example of possible coursework in a literary degree program. This might be your portfolio for an animation class.
Scholarships are a great method to lessen the financial burden of studying abroad. Scholarships can range from a few hundred dollars to full program coverage, and can be found in a variety of different sources. Don’t pass up on the lesser-known grants, though! If you want to study in another country, any amount will help. Don’t know where to begin? Allow us to direct you.
We’ve compiled information on over 440 international scholarship opportunities in 37 different nations. Scholarship awresearched and organizeddates have all been researched and organized for you. So, rest assured that these are genuine opportunities that you should pursue. There are scholarships available to students at certain universities as well as those who wish to study in any country.
Funding for higher education is available in some nations. Foreign students who wish to attend a Swedish university can apply for scholarships through the Swedish Institute. It’s worth your time to see if other countries offer government-funded scholarship programs by doing a simple Google search.
If you desire to study in a country that isn’t featured in our scholarship guide, you may be able to find funding through individual institutions there. The majority of colleges and universities have a section on their website devoted to financial aid. You should also look into whether or not your home institution provides financial aid to students who wish to participate in exchange programs at other institutions if you are considering a short-term program.
It is possible to receive funding to study abroad if you are an American student currently receiving financial aid at your home institution. Check out these nations that recognize the Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program if you have a federal loan. A private award from your institution is generally transferable to your study abroad experience. If you have particular inquiries about financial aid, contact your school’s administration.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.You did it! Once you get into a school abroad, the real fun begins. But perhaps you’ve been accepted by more than one school. Now you’ll have to decide which school to choose.
You can feel let down if you didn’t get into any of the colleges to which you applied. Be aware, though, that many of these programs have strict requirements and a high level of competition. Even if a certain institution doesn’t see you as a good fit right now, that doesn’t imply they won’t in the future. The bright side is that you now have a thorough understanding of how studying abroad operates.Don’t give up; instead, broaden your search and try again next year.
There are so many reasons why study abroad programs are life-changing experiences for many international students. Learn more about how studying abroad can help build your future.
Wondering about what you can study abroad? This section of the How to Study Abroad Guide will talk about the different kinds of degrees and programs you can study overseas.
Now that you have chosen a program and received your acceptance, where do you go from there? Discover more about housing, budgeting, and packing for your study overseas in this section of the guide.
Do you have your ticket abroad but need to know what to do on arrival? Learn how to navigate your first few days in a new country and also what to expect as you are adjusting to a new culture and society.
So, you have had an incredible adventure and are looking at your options after your time is up? We have some ideas for you. Find out more about how to put study abroad on your resume, and what to do if you want to stay in your study abroad country.
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